Thursday, 4 July 2013

4 Types of Water Coolers

Water Coolers

In the present marketplace, 4 different types of water coolers are available for purchase. Basically, their
purpose is just to cool the water before collecting it in the consumer’s tumbler. Some of these also filter the H2O before cooling it, but some others are just limited to cooling the water instead of filtering it additionally.

Description about all 4 types of water coolers is as under:

  • Freestanding Coolers – You can use these coolers in offices and homes. Their portability and ease of moving makes them highly compact to fit well in small spaces. To facilitate water to these machines, additional plastic bottles are fitted upside down on the cooling machine. Once the vessel finishes, you need to replace it with a new one. This category of water coolers is perfect for places, where there is lesser number of consumers.
  • Preset Water Coolers – Unlike the above-mentioned category, these coolers do not require additional water bottles. Instead, water is fed through pipes coming out from direct water outlet. Until there will be water, these machines will provide cold drinking water to you and your family.
  • Ordinary Water Dispensers – These are the cheapest and the most convenient coolers out of all four types of water coolers. You can easily find such machines in dormitories, where there are infinite number of water consumers. These coolers operate on electricity and provide cold water until there is flawless current.
  • Countertop Coolers – As the name signifies, these coolers can be easily placed on table or shelf tops. And, you can get filtered plus cooler drinking water from these machines.

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